Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009 di 20.33 |  

Determines 10/09/09

  1. He doesnt't here (much/many) money
  2. I would like (a few / little ) salt of vegetable
  3. she bought (that / those) cards last night
  4. there are (less / fewer) student in this room that in the next room
  5. there is (too much / too many) bad news in the televison tonight
  6. I do not want (this / these) water
  7. this is ( too many / too much) information to learn
  8. a (few / little ) people left early
  9. would you like (less / fewer) coffee than this?
  10. this jacket cost ( too much / too many)

Excercise Other 01/10/09

Excercise :
  1. this pen isn't working please gave me another (singular)
  2. if you'r still, i'll make the other pot of coffee
  3. this dictionary hase a page missing. please give me the other one (the last one)
  4. he doesn't need those books the needs the other (all the remaining)
  5. there are thirty people in the room, twenty are from latin america and the other are from other countries
  6. six people where in the store two buying meat the other was looking at magazines
  7. this glass of milks is sour another glass of milk is sour too
  8. the army was practicing it's drills, one group was doing artilery practicing other was marching another was attention, and the other was practicing combat tactics
  9. there are seven student from japan other are from iran and the other are from other places
  10. we looked at cars today the first more far too expensive, but the other ones were reasonably priced

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

Other :

with count nouns :

an + other + singular noun (one more)
  • another pencil -> one more pencil
the + other + singular nouns (last of the set)
  • the other pencil -> the last pencil present
other + plural noun (more of the set)
  • other pencil -> some more pencil
the other + plural noun (the rest of the set)
  • the other pencil -> all remaining pencil

with non count nouns :

other + noun . count nouns (more of the set)
  • other water -> some more water
the other + noun . count nouns (all the rest)
the other water -> the remaining water
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